Mary Jo Wold

Mary Jo Wold is most known for appearing on VH1's hit Reality Show, "I Know my Kids a Star". She brings more to the table than passion and talent- she's experienced ridicule first hand, while pursuing her dreams. This is a common obstacle that many child actors face, yet little display in front of a Nationwide Audience.

Mary Jo knows how to handle critics well and kindly responds "While your thoughts and constructive criticism are welcome, if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say, simply don't comment!

1 comment:

  1. Studio Breitz is casting CHILD STARS & THEIR PARENTS, a multi-channel documentary about child actors and their parents, to be screened at film festivals and in art museums and galleries worldwide. Director: Candice Breitz. Shoot starts mid-Sep in Los Angeles, CA.

    SEEKING--Parents of Child Actors: 18 and older. You have or had a child whose dream it is or was to become a star. You will be interviewed and asked to tell your story: how do you or did you support your child's dream of becoming an actor? Is/was your child successful or not? What are or were the highlights and lowlights of your experience as the parent/s of an aspiring child actor. Note: Shoot will be one day maximum.

    Submit pix of yourself and your child, as well as an explanation of why you believe you and your child should appear in this documentary, to

    Auditions by appointment only.

    No pay, but credit and meals provided.
