Rachel Pirard

Rachel Pirard is a model/actress that has accomplished a lot in her first 12 years. She has learned what is required to make it in this competitive industry and has dedicated herself to being the best she can. She is viewed by industry experts in both NY and LA as having the potential to make it really big as she gets older, Rachel already has been signed by agents and managers in LA and NY. has lived on both coasts, trained on both coasts and auditioned and booked jobs on both coasts.

So when you want to know what this industry is about, Rachel can tell you. Even at 12, Rachel has star power speaking and presentation skills, combine that with actual experience and you have a 12 year expert that can answer some important questions on how this industry impacts your life.

Rachel is winning auditions and landing major jobs. she has already landed a co star role on the Comedy Central Episodic “Michael and Michael Have Issues” and has been filmed a movie and landed many print jobs.

Rachel has trained with Margie Haber in LA who has trained Brad Pitt, Halley Berry, Kelly Preston and many others. She continues to train with top coaches and she is studying at a school for Performing Arts.

There is no secret that this industry can be very tough on family's in general and certainly the upcoming child star. For those interested in an inside look into what it actually like having Rachel speak is the perfect solution. Want to know what to expect, ask Rachel.

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